The Mud Colony Blog is now closed ! We are a very active PAGE on FACEBOOK , and the BLOGROLL is where we are all listed as well ! See the right hand side of this page for BOTH !!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Well , after all the enthusiasm for the first birthday celebrations ..there is a WINNER ... (Drumroll ) ...the winner of our First Birthday Giveaway Prize is...
Kim Foale for her lovely heartfelt limerick ...
"There once was a girl called Tassie Kim
all she wanted was a ramekin
The reds caught her eye
so she sat down and tried
to be creative and win a ramekin"..
Kim , I need you to email me your postage details so I can forward the ramekins to you,Congratulations ,and thank you for all the lovely kind wishes and everyone's continued support & interest in Mud Colony !!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

MUD COLONY IS ONE YEAR OLD !!! that must mean its GIVEAWAY TIME !!

Heeeeeyyyy..guess what ? Mud Colony is ONE !!
Look at that ..3 of there are 45 on the list and around 20ish that post regularly !
My how we've grown....a big THANK YOU  to YOU  if you have posted to Mud Colony, or have SHARED the blog with someone , or are a regular FAN !
I think cause for CELEBRATION !

Leave a comment on this page and the most creative one will WIN a set of 2 of my RETRO ramekins !!!
WINNER will be announced NEXT WEEK HERE on the Mud Colony Blog....

So..better get back to it...theres clay to be tamed...*sound of whip cracking *
Adriana Christianson

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Look...we're REAL !

Above from right to left..Sadhana Peterson, Katy Mitchell,  Adriana Christianson, Anna Ryland ,Therese (Anna's friend from Port Hacking Potters)  
As you might know , Mud Colony collects potters from all over the planet , all sharing the happenings in our studios. A lot of us  work by ourselves , and many of us HAVEN'T met FOR REAL before !
So sometimes the Internet world might seem pretty surreal ,and  others might think your Internet 'friends'
don't actually exist ..well here's PROOF ..we DO !!

The lovely  Katy Mitchell participated in the Eveleigh Artisans Market so a few of us Mud Colony people decided to surprise her ..and we DID was FABULOUS..and a few of us who hadn't met FOR REAL
did as well !

So,there you have it...feels like family..our Mud Colony Family ..

See you Thursday ,when the link re opens for the week

Adriana Christianson